lunes, 29 de julio de 2013


Hi people, this time I'm gonna write about a programming language that, in my opinion, the school must teach the kids in primary level, and become the second lenguaje, but that would be a dream, so, for us, that we did not learn C until the University. I'm going to tell you some stuff about it. The C language is in fact an evolution of 2 past languages called BCPL and B. Dennies Ritchie in 1972 evolved the B language in the Bell laboratories in a DEC PDP-11 computer.The C language is wide, so wide that is used in many platforms.

Well let's star with something easy, Because I learn better seeing an example Im going to write a simple one, to explain some C.

This Basic program prints text in a window

#include <stdio.h> /*This is a directive of the preprocessor of C.
This can be known as header of C, this headers are used to to call
the funtions from the library.*/

int main (void) /*this line takes part of almost ALL programs in C if the int
is not ther the program can't be initalized.The () that appear after main says
that main is a construction block for programs called "function"*/

  { //the () indicates the body of the function. this one indicates the beggining
      printf("Welcome to C! \n"); /*the printf is an instruction that indicates
      to the computer what to do, in this case is to print in a console window
      the word or words between the "" inside the () */

      return 0;//This line indicates that the program finished with success
  } // This one indicates the end of the function

This is the result of the program

Fig01.-This is the window appears if you run the program that is written up there

I hope this help for introduction to C, I'm going to write more entries about it. Thanks for reading.

C/C++ Cómo programar.4ta Edición.Deitel


Hi, in this entry I'm gonna explain some stuff about Robotics. Robotics have many terms whitin, Talking about robots, we refer to electronics, programming, maths, control theory, mechanics and some complicated themes. We have to know about all of this to make a robot.

But let's bring the curious information about robots.

The robot institute of america says that a robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools or specialized deviced through variable programmed motion for the performance of variety task.

The Methods to classifiy a robot are this

  • Arm configuration
  • Shape of workspace
  • Operating Method
  • Type of controller
  • Type of power
  • Size
  • Type and number of joints
  • Type of technology
  • Task being performed
  • Generation of design
  • Type of motion
With this classifications, a robot can be classified in many methods.This is only a short introduction to this interesting and wide theme. For more information I recommend the links below.


sábado, 27 de julio de 2013

Welcome to the world of Noob

This blog has the intention to be a help for people like me, who wants to learn about programming, robotics and electronics and know anything about it, and the information in books it's too difficult to understand. So I've figured out to create this blog, to give you a "noob perspective" for what I've found interesting about my investigations. I hope this would help someone. Enjoy!