Well let's star with something easy, Because I learn better seeing an example Im going to write a simple one, to explain some C.
This Basic program prints text in a window
#include <stdio.h> /*This is a directive of the preprocessor of C.
This can be known as header of C, this headers are used to to call
the funtions from the library.*/
int main (void) /*this line takes part of almost ALL programs in C if the int
is not ther the program can't be initalized.The () that appear after main says
that main is a construction block for programs called "function"*/
{ //the () indicates the body of the function. this one indicates the beggining
printf("Welcome to C! \n"); /*the printf is an instruction that indicates
to the computer what to do, in this case is to print in a console window
the word or words between the "" inside the () */
return 0;//This line indicates that the program finished with success
} // This one indicates the end of the function
This is the result of the program
Fig01.-This is the window appears if you run the program that is written up there
I hope this help for introduction to C, I'm going to write more entries about it. Thanks for reading.
C/C++ Cómo programar.4ta Edición.Deitel
C/C++ Cómo programar.4ta Edición.Deitel